Unwrapping His promises. I am drawn to the premise because when I think of unwrapping I naturally think of gifts. And isn't that what His promises are, precious gifts? They are to me as they were to my parents. (Oh, I know, you expect me to talk about Mom but Dad likes to sneak in every once in a while.) Today I am thinking of how they must have held on to God's promises for protection. Why today? Because today I am taking a step towards following in their footsteps. I just filled out my County Jail Ministry application. I was feeling confident until I turned over the sheet to the back page. Gulp. Basically, it reminded me I would be ministering to a dangerous population and I had to sign a liability release. You know what though, my pen did not shake as I signed my name because behind my name is a title (not printed on the form but known to me.) That title is, Child of God, and I KNOW that, "No weapon that is formed against (me) shall prosper." (Isaiah 54:17a). That's a promise I'll unwrap and wear along with my smile as I venture forth.
That wonderful picture isn't just sitting there looking pretty. It should link you to the blog carnival put on by writing friend Duane Scott.
Awesome reminder - i AM a child of God, and NO power can prevail against me! Congratulations on your step of faith, following in your parent's footsteps as they follows God also. Blessings!